Our brain is VERY powerful.
So powerful that when we’re imagining something, like the stressful meeting we have later today, or the delicious chocolate cake we’re going to savor for dessert… Our body responds to those thoughts as though they are happening for real.
When you think about a stressful situation, your body feels stressed.
When you imagine a chocolate cake, your body feels hungry.
That, dear teacher, is the mind-body connection.
We can leverage this simple knowledge in the classroom in so many ways – especially when we’re looking for calm and focus so we can tackle academics efficiently.
Today, we’re sharing one of these ways with you.
To help our students to self-regulate, to feel their best and to get them ready for calm and focused learning, we can ask them to imagine a memory that brings them joy.
To make this super easy for you, you can simply listen to this free audio that we created for you with your students.
Listen to A Memory that Brings me Joy audio now!
Are you a French Immersion teacher? You’re in luck! You can listen to it with your students in French if you wish! Listen to the French version now!
After you have a listen as a class, discuss the memories the students had. This will help students to learn and apply this new tool in a deeper way.
You can even take this a step further by asking your students to write about their memory in a journal entry! Or ask them to draw an image of their memory, or both! Or add movement and ask them to act out their memory. You can also hone into the 5 senses by getting them to describe what their memory looks like, sounds like, smells like, etc. Get creative! The more time you spend in this connect and reflect phase, the more your students will internalize this strategy and use it on their own later. Which means… self-regulation in the classroom. Which means… easier classroom management for you!
Reuse this audio 5-10 days in a row to really cement this strategy of thinking of a feel-good memory to find calm and focus. Repetition is key here!
This mindful strategy can be pulled out of the SEL toolbox anytime you feel tension or energy levels rise in the classroom, or if a student is having a tough day. Once they start thinking about a memory that brings them joy, they will send good-feeling emotions to their bodies, which will help them to feel better and in turn, become more calm, focused and ready for learning!
Your students are so lucky to be learning this and to have a toolbox full of skills and strategies to help them overcome whatever challenges them or causes them worry, anxiety or stress!
Want access to more audios, breathing exercises and mindfulness activities for the classroom like this one? A Memory That Brings Me Joy is only one of many audio-guided lessons you will find in Educalme, the evidence-based, online social-emotional learning and co-regulation program for the K-12 classroom made by teachers.
When you sign up for the free trial, you’ll get unlimited access (it never expires) to the first unit of the Educalme program. This will give you enough ready-to-use resources for a month of daily mindfulness practice, just press play!
And… Get ready for calm and focused learning, no prep required!
With calm and appreciation,
Kailey & Josianne
Teachers and Founders of Educalme