Educalme Classroom

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172. How Meditation and Yoga Helps Children in School with Giselle Shardlow from Kids Yoga Stories

Are you looking for strategies to improve classroom management?

A great place to start is by teaching emotional regulation skills to your students. This will help them better self-regulate and better manage their behaviours. But how do you teach self-regulation skills to kids?

Yoga and mindfulness is a great way to teach emotional regulation to students in a fun and engaging way!

In this episode of The Balanced Educator Podcast, we interview Giselle Shardlow from Kids Yoga Stories. We ask what is kids yoga and how is it different from adult yoga? Giselle shares how to teach yoga to kids and teens and how to bring yoga and mindfulness into the classroom. We also talk about how to make yoga and mindfulness fun for kids so they’ll enjoy it and want to participate. Finally, we discuss how to prepare for bringing mindfulness and yoga into your classroom or school. Learn easy ways to get started!


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